Hypnotherapy at home – or wherever you happen to be.
Even before anyone had thought of Coronavirus or a global pandemic, the popularity of on-line hypnotherapy sessions had been increasing.
Technology is part of everyday life for many people and with improved broadband speeds and reliability of networks, accessing talking therapy via this route seems a very natural extension of its use.
And there are benefits to be had too. It’s an ideal solution if your time is limited or if getting to me is a challenge.
For many clients it’s simply a case of preferring the comfort and convenience of home.
How does it work?
Just as you would if you were booking a face to face session, you’ll probably want to contact me first to find out a bit more about how I can help you. You can do this by phone and most people find it reassuring to have this opportunity to ask questions and discuss their aims. If you prefer of course you can also email or Facebook message me.
We can then find a mutually convenient time to book the first session.
All you need to think about at this stage is where you’d like to be to enjoy the session – a place where you can make yourself comfortable and relax without disturbances is best.
Where do I need to be?
As long as you are unlikely to be disturbed, anywhere is fine. I’ve run sessions for clients at home, at their desk in the office and even sometimes in their car. It doesn’t matter if there’s background noise in the house or outside. Solution focused hypnotherapy helps you to filter out the distracting noises of daily life and focus your attention where you want it to be.
How many sessions will I need?
The number of sessions needed really does vary from client to client but on-line therapy will not require more sessions than face to face therapy. I usually give 8 – 12 sessions as an average but I’ve also seen excellent results after just 6 sessions with clients who have embraced the process.
Are there benefits of having hypnotherapy by video-link?
There are several, for example:-
- No travel concerns around traffic congestion, parking or bad weather.
- It’s easier to fit into a busy schedule – no travel time and there’s greater flexibility on when therapy is available – we’re not limited to clinic opening times.
- It’s easily accessible even if you live or work in a remote location.
- You can still receive therapy even if you have problems with ill-health or mobility which prevent you from committing to regular travel to another location.
- On-line therapy is particularly beneficial if anxiety affects your ability to leave the house, offering a way to start therapy which might otherwise seem out of reach.
- There is the potential for greater privacy if this is a consideration for you. No-one will see you going into a therapy room and you’ll be out of contact for less time than if you were attending a face to face session.
Does it really work as well as face-to-face?
One of the most common concerns is whether hypnotherapy actually works online.
Anecdotally from recent successes achieved by my clients receiving on-line therapy, it is a resounding yes. An agoraphobic young client has restarted their college course and even found a part time job. An older client suffering persistent insomnia is now sleeping and enjoying life again. An anxious client suffering hypersensitivity to their environment has achieved a significant mindset shift and is back in control.
For those of you preferring more scientific evidence, there are studies that show online therapy, including hypnotherapy is just as effective and certainly not a second rate way to receive therapy. For example
¹A 2018 study of the effectiveness of Skype hypnotherapy for IBS found ‘This study shows that Skype hypnotherapy is highly effective in refractory IBS’. Link to the study.
²In 2016 it was shown the treating depression via an internet-based intervention ‘is equally beneficial to regular face-to-face therapy. However, more long term efficacy, indicated by continued symptom reduction three months after treatment, could only be found for the online group.’ Link to the study.
Will there be lots of detailed, personal questions?
I’ll need some basic contact details but other than that I only need to know what you want to tell me.
During the first session I will ask you a bit about what you’d like me to help with, your general health, who you spend time with and what your hobbies and interests are. This gives me an idea of what makes you tick so I can make my discussion with you more relevant.
We don’t spend a lot of time rehashing old problems or analysing causes – my focus is on moving you forwards toward your preferred future rather than trying to sort out things from the past that we can’t change.
What if I’m not great with technology?
I use Zoom, which is very easy to set up and use. Before your first session I’ll send you a link to click. This will guide you through a couple of simple steps and then you’re all set for future sessions.
Every session has a unique meeting ID and password for security, and after a very short while most of my clients forget that we’re not actually in the same room.
How do I find out more?
Simply get in touch by your preferred method for a free, no obligation chat.
¹ Shariq S. Hasan, James S. Pearson, Julie morris & Peter J. Whorwell (2019) SKYPE HYPNOTHERAPY FOR IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME: Effectiveness and Comparison with Face-to-Face Treatment, International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 67:1, 69-80, DOI: 10.1080/00207144.2019.1553766
²Internet-based versus face-to-face cognitive-behavioral intervention for depression: A randomized controlled non-inferiority trial Author panel: Birgit Wagner, Andrea B.Horn, Andreas Maercker